Self-Tying Nike Kicks Coming; End to End Encrypted Mail for iOS and Android

Shades of Back to the Future II – Nike has some self-tying shoes on the way for this year’s holiday season. points out that they’re not quite like the self-lacing MAG shoes in the movie, but the HyperAdapt 1.0 shoe tightens around your foot as soon as your heel is into the shoe and activates a sensor there. It also sports two buttons on the side to custom adjust the fit. You’ll have to get used to looking like a little kid, though…there’s a greenish light under the arch of the shoe. No pricing available yet, but you need to be a Nike + member to get a pair.

ProtonMail has just officially launched end-to-end encrypted mail for iOS and Android. Seamless PGP encryption should make your email significantly more secure. According to, ProtonMail has been around since 2013 as a desktop email app. They use open source cryptography, own their own servers, and use full disk encryption. You can also create self-destructing messages. That feature works whether you send to a ProtonMail or non-ProtonMail address. The app is free, and there’s a free account level, plus two paid levels…mainly with more storage space as an option, and the ability to use alias accounts.