Apple WWDC ’24 – Some Highlights

After about an hour of reveals about new features for iOS, MacOS, iPadOS, WatchOS, VisionOS, etc, Apple dove into what they call Apple Intelligence…AI for the Rest of Us…their branding for their expanded AI. Most will be on device, but some things will need to be elevated to the server level. Apple has what they claim will be secure ways to only share info needed to the servers and it won’t be saved. On top of that, they have integrated ChatGPT 4.o without a charge or account. If you have a ChatGPT account, it will still work the same on your device. 

The much maligned Siri is getting a hefty AI upgrade, which look good…we’ll have to see how well they actually work when the operating systems are released to the public this fall. Of course, if you want to dive in earlier, a beta will be out of all their operating systems later this summer. 

As for iOS 18, you will now be able to lock Apps as well as just the entire phone…requiring FaceID or TouchID to open them. They are making the screens vastly more customizable with layout, colors, and even a custom Control Center.  A couple standout areas are improvements to Mail and Messages. Mail will get some machine learning help in separating your mail into categorized ‘buckets,’ including Primary, Transactions, Updates, and Promotions. You can set to Primary, and screen out a lot of sales pitches or junk mail. For Messages, there is a huge expansion of emoji customization, and they can be used for tapback responses. A big plus if you are heading to the beach or mountains, or wilderness areas…messages will soon work over satellite, just like Emergency SOS…so you can stay in touch even in a non-emergency situation. 

The WatchOS update gives you a deeper look at your vitals, including new overnight vitals. It also gets a new ‘training load’ measurement to check your workout intensity. 

For iPad OS, the biggest headline to me was that scientific calculator is coming to the iPad at long last. They even have included ‘Scratch Math,’ which lets you write out formulas and the device will solve for you after an equals sign or it will automatically sum a stack of numbers when you draw a line under the last one. It will create graphs from your work, too, and you can save your work…and calculator works in Notes, too. 

A new wrinkle for MacOS allows you to bring up your iPhone screen on your Mac…so if your phone is downstairs, and you want to use an app on it to order coffee ahead, you can do that. The iPhone screen on the actual device stays locked, to no one can get into it. iPhone notifications will also appear on your Mac…and with AI, notifications are prioritized and summarized if you are in Focus mode. You can drag and drop items and files from Mac to iPhone. 

A big bump in Keychain power. New Passwords will let you use passwords, verification codes, etc across all your Apple devices. They will autofill as before, but you can do it on any device now…and they stay in the secure enclaves.

Photos also gets a major makeover across all devices. AI will help remove unwanted objects from images, or you can just tell Siri ‘make this picture pop’ and it will enhance the photo without going into the Edit functions and doing it manually. 

There’s a lot more, but this gives you the Cliff’s Notes version, boiling things down from and hour and 45 minutes to just a few minutes. 

I’m Clark Reid and you’re ‘Apple-ized’ for now. 

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